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Sabzi polou
- rice and herbs






5 dl of coriander, parsley, leek, and dill
2 spoonfuls of chives
3 dl of rice
2 spoonfuls of salt
15 dl of water
1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon
75 g of butter or rapeseed oil

1 Prepare the rice as previously described.
2 After sieving the rice, add chopped herbs, chives and mix.
3 Heat a little oil in a saucepan and add the rice . Wrap a clean tea towel around the lid. Replace the lid and steam the rice for one hour at a simmering temperature.
4 Heat 50 g of butter or rapeseed oil and add to the rice. Crush the saffron in a mortar and dissolve it in two to four spoonfuls of hot water. Mix it into the rice before serving.

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